Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gold Rate Mustafa Singapore


I've spoken several times of William, a prominent member of the VoiceFest team with whom I shared a great time . Well, William's friend left the gang from the festival.
I'm obviously happy for him, who is going to sail to other streams that attract long ago. But I'm also a little sad because William is an integral part VoiceFest my adventure from the beginning.

I remember it was in February 2009 when I created "A French to VoiceFest " on the idea of my friend Thomas, whom I met William, by email, of course . It was then VoiceFest agent communication and Web communications manager. He gave me a helping hand to visual blog and encouraged me in my approach.

At the time, William took in hand the official blog of VoiceFest and we began exchanging regular through comments on our respective articles. Among bloggers, complicity was born.

course in June 2009 when I landed in Trois-Rivieres for my first VoiceFest, he was there to greet me in the team communication with Fanny-Isa and Joanie (pictured above). In addition to the job, where William helped me to better understand the workings of Quebec culture (not always obvious when we land ...), we also had the opportunity to spend a few evenings together in bars Trois-Rivières.

In 2010, William's friend took the tape. He became a Communications Coordinator. And it was well deserved! Fanny-Isa and Joanie are parties for other projects (I embrace them in passing ...) and Michael have joined the gang, the communication team (supervised by my dear Thomas) was 100% male.
So, during VoiceFest 2010, a male complicity developed between us, and it was really nice!

William helped me to develop my column "A French squatting in VoiceFest " and put me in touch with some of the people I interviewed. But I must admit it is better than me in an interview. The proof of this interview Pirate Heart after his concert at VoiceFest 2010:

VoiceFest During this, I saw William take another professional dimension. First, because the coordination of communication allowed it to take more initiatives.
And then, during the festival, the unintentional delivery (can we really say that?) Of the companion of another William, in charge of logistics and transport, has forced the prime Guillaume (you follow me?) to ensure the second part of the job, which was absent to ensure, for its part, the role of man and dad (and rightly so).

short, while VoiceFest 2010, William really sure.
He even, on several occasions held the role of facilitator and with this talent. Here on the big stage before thousands of spectators

and talent for the stage, William did not fail. He expressed for years in the league Improvisation Mauritius, which is a member over an asset, and in the theater spontaneous Intimate Party. Here

telling a story rather touching to announce the last show of this group of actors, Intimate sings Christmas Party :

I rather regret not having had the opportunity to applaud the actor William. But I think it will since told me he was leaving the team VoiceFest to try his luck on the side of writing and theater, two areas where he is unquestionably talented.

My dear William, I wish you every success in your new career as an artist and I hope we can still zap around a good foam, even when thou shalt be a star.
But I do not doubt for Quebec artists are generally very accessible and, knowing you, there is no reason that you waive the rule.

Finally in music, as usual, here's a band you love very much and we were pleased to see VoiceFest two years ago, Malajube . I suggest a song that you had posted a comment to of my articles on spring, in March 2009:


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